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Amasaki's Epic Journey: A Rookie Wrestler's First Year of Triumphs and Ambitions

image courtesy of Tokyo Sports

Amasaki's Epic Journey: A Rookie Wrestler's First Year of Triumphs and Ambitions

Written by: Erica L

Oh, boy! In a cool, calm, and collected performance, Miyu Amasaki, Stardom's up-and-coming rookie, celebrated her first anniversary in the ring while dishing out her ambitions for the future. Let me tell ya, this gal's got big plans!

It all went down on the 11th at the Tama Mirai Messe Tournament in Tokyo. Amasaki teamed up with Kamitani Saya, AZM, Hayashishita Utami, and Hinan to face off against a tough crew: Natsuko Tora, Saki Kashima, Watanabe Momo, Starlight Kid, and the mysterious Fukigen Death. What a lineup!

Can you believe it's been a year since her debut match against Utami? Time flies, huh? Amasaki coolly showed off her moves with a DDT on Watanabe and a dropkick, followed by a brainbuster, on Fukigen. But alas, she was taken down by Oedo Tai's team effort and Fukigen's backslide pin for a three-count. Bummer, right?

But let's not forget how far she's come! Since bursting onto the Stardom scene in 2021, Amasaki's been making waves. Remember her match against Utami? And in August, she challenged Future of Stardom champ Hanan for the first time! Plus, in the youth-focused "NEW BLOOD" event, she took on Giulia and Tam Nakano in singles matches as part of the "SuperNova 5 Match Series." Talk about a wild ride!

Looking back on her first year, Amasaki shared a peaceful smile. "It passed in the blink of an eye. Compared to the beginning, I've become more composed and able to perform better in matches." You go, girl!

With the debut of three new rookies coming up on March 25th at the "NEW BLOOD" event in Kanagawa Yokohama Budokan, Amasaki is stepping up her game. "Now that I have juniors, I need to be not only supported but also a supporter," she declared, adding, "But for now, I will continue to work diligently as a rookie." Love that attitude!

And get this: Amasaki is set to face the "the Living National Treasure of Women's Pro Wrestling," Nanae Takahashi, in a singles match called the "Passion Injection Match" at her hometown event in Kyoto on the 19th. "I've been training for two years since I was a trainee, and I want to give it my all with everything I've learned," she stated, calm and determined. I can't wait!

As for her future plans, Amasaki is shooting for the stars. "The Future of Stardom belt has a three-year time limit, so my goal is to win it in my second year and defend it until the end of the term." Looks like this promising rookie's journey is just getting started, and I'm here for it!