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Momo Watanabe: true goal is not the Wonder Championship, but the World Championship

image courtesy of Tokyo Sports

Momo Watanabe: true goal is not the Wonder Championship, but the World Championship

Written by: Jessi B

Momo Watanabe, also known as Black Peach (22) of women's professional wrestling organization Stardom, has harsh words for the Wonder Champion Saya Kamitani (26) ahead of their title match at the Edion Arena Osaka Stadium on February 4th. Watanabe previously held the record for most defenses of the title, "V13", but was reverse-nominated as Kamitani's challenger after she matched the record at the Nagoya tournament on the 8th.

Watanabe, who never intended to challenge for the title, questioned Kamitani's qualifications as a champion, stating "I think she lacks in a lot of areas, but mostly in confidence." She also criticized Kamitani's focus on the number of defenses, calling it "shallow and unimpressive."

Watanabe also revealed that her true goal is not the Wonder Championship, but the World Championship, which she was unable to win in a challenge last July, and sees the Wonder Championship as a stepping stone to achieving that goal. She stated, "I only see it as a stepping stone to the red belt, so I don't think I'll hold on to it."

"Maybe I'll give it up or maybe I'll take the red belt and become a double champion. In that case, it wouldn't hurt to have it. It all depends on how I feel after the match with Kamitani," she said nonchalantly. "I'll show them that it's not about the number of defenses," said the former White Queen as she aims to take the wings of the phoenix.