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Stardom's Tam Nakano Plots to Expand Cosmic Angels with Three New Rookie

image courtesy of Tokyo Sports

Stardom's Tam Nakano Plots to Expand Cosmic Angels with Three New Rookie

Written by: Stacy T

In the high-flying world of professional wrestling, Tam Nakano is a woman on a mission. As the leader of the women's pro-wrestling group "Cosmic Angels," she's determined to create a powerhouse unit, and she's not shy about recruiting new talent to make it happen.

Enter Komomo Minami, Hanako Ueda, and Sakura Ishiguro, three rookies who are preparing for their debut match on March 25th. Nakano has her sights set on them, and at a recent event at the Korakuen Hall, she made her intentions clear.

"I taught them the basics of taking falls," Nakano boasted to the audience, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "All three of them have great sensibilities and are very talented."

Nakano seems to have taken a particular liking to Ishiguro, who shares her background as a former Miss ID contestant with dreams of becoming an action actress. "Her movements on the mat are light and her core strength is excellent," Nakano enthused. "She is also great at forms because she used to do karate."

But it's not just Ishiguro who's caught Nakano's eye. Despite reportedly struggling with wrestling training due to a lack of prior athletic experience, Minami has a "soft heart" that makes her easy to root for, while Ueda's towering height and student pro wrestling experience make her a valuable addition to the team.

Nakano's ultimate goal is to build a strong unit that will thrive even after she's gone. "I'm currently looking for someone to take over my position as the leader of Cosmic Angels," she revealed. "I plan to teach these three the ultimate suplex and eventually entrust the team to them."

But first, Nakano has to convince the rookies to join her unit. And she's not above using bribes to get what she wants. "I'll make nutritiously balanced, delicious bento boxes for those who join," she promised, flashing a winning smile.

Will Nakano succeed in building the ultimate wrestling unit? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: with her passion, her talent, and her flair for the dramatic, she's one to watch in the exciting world of professional wrestling.