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Unagi Sayaka Makes Waves with Intense Assessment of Suwama at AJPW Pro Wrestling Event

image courtesy of Battle News

Unagi Sayaka Makes Waves with Intense Assessment of Suwama at AJPW Pro Wrestling Event

Written by: Stacy T

On the 19th of this month, All Japan Pro Wrestling put on a show to remember at the legendary Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. The event was packed with action, drama, and more than a few surprises.

One of the most talked-about moments of the night was when Unagi Sayaka made an appearance and engaged in a heated argument with the one and only Suwama. Now, you might be wondering who these wrestlers are, and why their altercation was such a big deal. Well, allow me to fill you in.

Last year, a social media connection between Suwama and Ozaki Mayumi sparked a trio, which included Maya Yukihi, with all three of them having "ma" in their names. This team took on Hashimoto Chiharu, Yuu, and Ishikawa Shuji at Korakuen Hall. Suwama, who is deeply involved with the women's professional wrestling organization "Evolution".

Enter Unagi Sayaka, who has been making waves in the women's wrestling scene with her travels and assessment. Unagi took notice of Suwama and tweeted at him, sparking an argument between the two. After exchanging words, Suwama demanded that Unagi show up at the Korakuen Hall event on the 19th.

As the event unfolded, Unagi sat among the press, watching the matches with an eagle eye. After Suwama's match, Unagi instigated him by filming him on her smartphone as he left, and then interrupted backstage comments by rushing in.

Suwama was understandably taken aback and didn't hold back his frustration, "What the devil, you again! Surprised to see you here!" he fumed. Unagi was equally unflappable, "But aren't you delighted to see Unagi, since you are a fan" and delivered a chop to his chest.

This was the tipping point, and Suwama lost it, "Ouch! You son of a gun! You! How much do you think you're worth, huh? You came for an "assessment", didn't you? Give me a high price, you scumbag! I'm looking forward to the results, you know what an appraisal is, don't you?!" But Unagi was undeterred, deflecting the conversation and complimenting Suwama's debut fight with Hashiro.

This sudden change in tone and direction caught Suwama off guard, and he challenged Unagi, "What's your problem, huh? Do you think I'm dirty? You bastard! You wanna fight to see who's dirtier, huh?!" But Unagi just started eating a suama right in front of him, further infuriating the wrestler.

Suwama's rage was at its boiling point, "You're pissing me off! Fine then, you! I'll tell Sister and the girls (Ozaki and Yukihi) about your insolence! And then I'll send you straight to hell! Go to hell!" he bellowed, storming off.

But the story doesn't end there. Just as Suwama was leaving, YOSHITATSU happened to cross paths with Unagi, and they had a tense moment. Unagi claimed that YOSHITATSU reminded her of someone, to which the wrestler replied, "I've been curious about you. You're a dandy, aren't you? ...You know what I mean." Unagi had a smirk on his face, suggesting that he had come up with something, and followed YOSHITATSU.

As Suwama continues to exert his influence on the women's wrestling world, it will be interesting to see how Unagi Sayaka and other wrestlers respond to his presence. With skilled and charismatic performers like these two, the future of pro wrestling is sure to be filled with even more thrilling moments and unexpected twists.